Tuesday, February 9, 2010

For a moment there, I thought I was smelling smoke. Then it hit me, they performers were burning up the dance floor.

Once again 2SOME DANCE has produce a dance production event with quality, class and style. The weekend event at the Old Mill featured world class dance talent and also showcase some local Toronto talent as well.

It's one thing to see some of these great performers on television, but when you see them perform live it takes everything to a new level.
VIDA photography would like to thank Ben and Emmanule and everyone involved with 2SOME DANCE for the the opportunity to attend the event and capture a small part of it in photographs.

Be sure to check out all of the photographs at www.vidaphoto.ca.

This event is huge and will only be once a year. The date is already set for 2011 so be sure to visit 2SOMEDANCE.COM get registered.

Take care and see you next time.
